How would you define a successful and enjoyable career in real estate?
I would describe it this way:
- You have a steady stream of clients who automatically seek out your valuable services without you having to do any cold prospecting.
- You are viewed with respect by clients who value your advice.
- You can quickly provide them superior service and results, which leads them to refer you to others and give you their repeat business.
- You work a regular workweek (or less) and take plenty of time off to pursue outside interests.
- You make a rewarding income.
How many of you could describe your real estate career in this way?
The trouble in this industry is that the “hours worked = compensation” equation has traditionally been an “either/or” situation. In other words, you EITHER make a lot of money and have no life outside your job, OR you do have a life outside real estate but don’t make enough money.
What’s worse, for many agents, the equation is entirely unbalanced. As a result, there are many, many agents operating today who kill themselves with grueling 80+ hour weeks AND barely make enough money to survive. Maybe this even describes you.
According to the National Association of Realtors, 80% of new agents do not make it through the first year. Just as daunting is the fact that more and more real estate veterans are packing it in because they’re finding they can’t make what used to work, work anymore: they’re working far too hard to justify what’s left in their pocket at the end of the day.
Why is this? Well, part of the problem is that the real estate market is changing so dramatically:
- consumers are more sophisticated and demanding
- commissions are under pressure
- technology is completely changing the way we do business
- more and more mega-agents are capturing a larger and larger market share
In the last decade, the number of agents operating in North America has dropped almost half. So who will survive in the long term? Well, indeed, not the solo agent who’s slugging it out by him or herself, burning the candle at both ends. They may shine brightly for a certain period of time, but sooner or later, they’ll run out of wick to burn, and then they’ll simply burn out (they may win the sprint, but they can’t do the marathon). Others run out of gas even before seeing success. Either way, this “model” of work-like-a-mad-dog is wrong
Why did you get into real estate in the first place? I’ll tell you why because you imagined that it would give you the freedom and cash to live the lifestyle you wanted. But what has really happened?
Well, if you’re like most agents, you’re a slave to all the little details you have to accomplish. You know there are more significant issues and ideas out there that could improve your life, but you just don’t have time to get to them, and before your eyes, another day, month, the year has passed you by. And you’re still working way too hard. How satisfied are you with the money you make and the hours you work? At the end of the day, how much time is left over for you and your family?
The problem is that your real estate career, which was supposed to support your life, has now consumed your life. The job supposed to give you freedom is doing the opposite — it’s taking your freedom away. This is wrong! All perspective is lost. You’re just a rat on the wheel who’s going to wake up one day and wonder how you can possibly be stuck in the same old place when you’ve been running so incredibly hard.
The problem is, you’re looking at it all wrong. You’re stuck in a paradigm that says, “this is the way it is . . . there’s no other way”.
But there is another way. That’s what Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty is going to teach you . . . a different way — a better way — to run your business so that it grows and thrives and feeds you (rather than bleeds you.) You must change your paradigm to survive.
You need to open up your mind to new ways of conducting your business and make a paradigm shift.
Your business serves your needs. And before you can do this, you’re going to have to discover what those needs are . . . what your true needs are. What is your life goal? . . . that’s your Primary Aim.
Go Serve Big!
Todd Walters
Millionaire Agent Maker
Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty
Increase Your Real Estate Business by 300% or More Without Giving Up Your Personal Life To Do It
Change Lives, Impact Your Community and Live the Life You Were Born to Live!
It’s About Helping More People Buy and Sell the Awesome Place They Call, HOME!
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