Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty

Ready to Have Your Very Own Sellable Business Asset, 10X Your Success and Live the Life You Were Born to Live?


Even the Local Dry Cleaner Can Sell Their Business… Could You if You Wanted to? If You’re Going to Build a Real Estate Business, Make it a Legacy Business – One That is So Valuable, Others Will Want to Buy it For Multiples of Earnings! Sell it. Keep it. Pass it on. Either way, it’s Your LEGACY! 

Watch This Panel of Agents, Turned Real Estate Company Owners, Describe Their Quantum Leaps in Business.

Eight Big Reasons to Learn More about Owning a Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty

  1. Your Own Sellable Business Asset So You Can Sell It for Multiples of Valuation or Keep It Since it Works Without Your Involvement or Pass it On – It’s Your Legacy! 
  2. ‘Your Home Sold’ is #1 on Google Search with over 2.7 Billion Search Results, So You Can Attract More Seller Prospects Organically! 
  3. It’s a Craig Proctor System Brokerage – If You Can Copy, You Can Succeed! 
  4. ​Exclusive CRM, Financial and Brokerage Model that Scales with No Limits!
  5. ​Prescription-Based Recurring Revenue Model for Higher Market Valuations and Easier Exit Strategy! 
  6. ​The Best Agent Recruiting System So You Can Get a Steady Flow of Great Sales Professionals!
  7. ​The #1 Agent Skills Training in Real Estate – Guaranteed! 
  8. ​CP TITANIUM Level Coaching to Build a World-Class Company that Changes Lives, Especially Yours!

Bill Watson – Colorado
Broker Owner
Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty

I often get asked, why as an agent should I work for Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty. And I tell them this; we are a professional marketing company to help people find the perfect home or help them maximize the equity of their current home. And because of the Your Home Sold Guaranteed name, unique selling proposition, you’re going to get more business! So, take a good hard look at YHSGR; it will make a difference in your business life as well as your personal life!

Nathan Clark – Rhode Island
Broker Owner
Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty

One of the main reasons I joined Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty was their focus on providing value and growing buyers and sellers, lifetime customers vs. growing agents. Also, just by the name, Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty, my business grew big time! It is the best Unique Selling Proposition!

TRACY KING – Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty – Tennessee

They have homes you can’t find online anywhere so as a buyer you have the advantage of beating out all the other buyers!! As a seller you get top dollar for your home because they have all the Buyers and drive up demand for your home!! Who else can do this?

– Tracy King, TN

RUDY KUSUMA – Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty – California

The Quantum Leap System and Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty enabled me to grow my business from $250k to over $8 Million in GCI. In the last 12 months, I booked over a Billion dollars worth of real estate!

– Rudy Kusuma, CA

SHELLY SALAS – Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty – Texas

We came from the REO world and we didn’t have the “Business” mindset. We were putting in long hours and getting paid very little. We owe so much toTodd Walters and Craig Proctor! Why not learn from the best! Go to those that have success and don’t reinvent the wheel! We implemented the Guaranteed Sale Program and that was a Game Changer! We also love giving back to our community and it is the very foundation of Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty with their Go Serve Big Mission! Also, our clients love that we give back! It just becomes second nature to give back to your community! Everyone likes to be part of something where you are helping someone else!

– Shelly Salas, TX


Change Lives, Impact Your Community and Live the Life You Were Born to Live!

Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty


Craig Proctor

Craig Proctor is Co-Founder of Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty. He is also the Founder and CEO of Craig Proctor Coaching System, which has created more Millionaire Agents than any other coach or trainer. Leveraging his own highly successful 20+ year real estate career (selling 500+ homes/year – over $100,000,000 in GCI – and twice #1 for RE/MAX Worldwide), Craig Proctor helps agents and brokers transform their real estate jobs into highly lucrative real estate businesses that provide exceptional customer service without high lifestyle costs. “Craig is a visionary who reinvented the job called Real Estate and someone who teaches agents about Freedom rather than about work” – Michael Gerber (author of the bestselling business book The E-Myth).

Todd Walters


You must be ambitious; you decided to look at the #1 System and Culture that is creating more millionaire real estate agents than anything out there. Can I say congratulations on doing that? You know, many times, we get stuck in our routines doing tasks and not working on the Rainmaking activities of our business, and right now, that is what you are doing.You’re looking for something; most likely, it’s more freedom/time, increased income, or both. I thank you for checking us out!

Would you agree, growing a real estate business can be complicated, even frustrating at times? I’ve been there. I was a real estate agent for many years, a successful one, and years ago, I decided to be a coach and mentor. A gratifying career, I must say. I love getting those emails, texts, and phone calls from struggling agents, telling me stories of their unique journey on becoming millionaire agents. Yes, I own a brokerage as well,but most importantly, I am in the coaching and training business,helping real estate agents help more people buy and sell the extraordinary place they call home.

My name is Todd Walters, with Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty.I am a Billion-Dollar agent, and I am proud to have a company with an innovative system and a culture that gives back to its community; on every transaction, a portion is donated to a worthy cause.

One thing I always say around here is, Go Serve Big! A statement or Motto I came up with years ago. At one time, I was always saying to my team, Go Sell Big! And it occurred to me one night when I was deep in thought and prayer for my team that it shouldn’t be focused on the sale;although that is very important, it needs to be focused on people;the buyer, the seller, your coworker,your team, your family, your spouse, your friends etc. So, that is when I said to myself,not Go Sell Big. Go Serve Big!

So, I say to you today, I hope you enjoy this page, and it brings some light on a critical choice in your life on how you are going to grow and scale your real estate business. And… of course, as always, in everything that you do, GO SERVE BIG!

Todd Walters


Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Brand

P.S – Please, at any time, do not hesitate to contact my phenomenal support team with any questions that you might have. We are here for you! 866-219-5029 or email us at [javascript protected email address]